
Remedial massage Adelaide: What Is Remedial Massage? – Remedial Massage for Frozen Shoulders

Remedial or therapeutic massage is used to locate and relieve strain on muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. It promotes healing of injured tissues by improving circulation, removing waste products, and increasing flexibility.

remedial massage frozen shoulders Adelaide

Remedial therapists use massage techniques, including deep tissue massage, dry needling and PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) stretching. They also conduct orthopaedic testing and assessment to identify muscle imbalances. For more information about the remedial massage frozen shoulders Adelaide, click here.

What is a Remedial Massage?

Remedial massage is a specialised massage that targets specific muscle groups and joints. This treatment can help relieve pain caused by sports injuries, tension, and chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis. It is also suitable for pregnant women to reduce swelling in their arms and legs. You should seek the services of a qualified remedial massage therapist to ensure your safety and receive adequate treatment.

Unlike a relaxation massage, a remedial massage targets specific muscles and joints. The massage therapist uses various techniques to locate and repair damaged tissues during the treatment. They will often use deep penetrating massage strokes that can target tight muscles. Depending on the outcome of the assessment, the massage therapist may also incorporate stretching exercises to help alleviate pain and restore mobility.

Before commencing the treatment, your remedial massage therapist will ask you to complete a health history and chat about what has been causing you discomfort. They will examine your posture, movement patterns, flexibility, and muscle strength and identify any underlying cause or condition contributing to your symptoms.

In most cases, the therapist must also know how much pressure you can tolerate. It is because the treatment can be intense sometimes, particularly if you have tight, shortened muscle tissue.

During the session, your therapist will apply pressure with their hands and elbows to release tension from the muscle tissue. They will also use their fingers and palms to manipulate the soft tissue to eliminate any knots. Occasionally, your therapist might also use a massage roller to increase the depth of the strokes. For more information about the remedial massage frozen shoulders Adelaide, click here.

Remedial massages have been shown to improve circulation, increase the range of motion in joints and promote lymphatic drainage. They also encourage the production of mood-boosting hormones and boost immunity. As a result, clients generally feel alert and clear-minded after a remedial massage.

The massage also increases the blood flow to the area, encouraging healing and repair. Remedial massage techniques include deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy and myofascial release. The massage therapist may use creams or oils to allow their hands to slide easily over the skin. The massage can sometimes be uncomfortable, but the therapist will ensure the pressure is not too great.

Remedial massage can also help reduce the stress levels of patients with chronic illnesses, as it decreases cortisol levels and increases serotonin and dopamine, mood-enhancing hormones. These hormones also reduce inflammation and improve the immune system’s function. As a result, the immune system can combat infections more effectively. In addition, the therapist will help to improve posture and balance the body’s structural integrity by treating tight muscles and ligaments.

Massage can also help with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, low back pain and arthritis. Regular remedial massage can help ease the pain by releasing endorphins and improving circulation in these cases. It can also help to alleviate depression by reducing the levels of cortisol in the blood and increasing serotonin.

The therapist will perform range-of-motion and joint tests during a remedial massage to better understand the problem. The therapist will then use the corrective massage technique that best suits the client.

Remedial massage is perfect for treating sports injuries and other problems caused by repetitive activities. It can help with the recovery process after strenuous training or exercise, and it can improve performance in athletes by reducing the time for recovery and helping to prevent injury. For more information about the remedial massage frozen shoulders Adelaide, click here.

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